Thursday, June 4, 2009

"My One Year Mark"

Exactly today, June 4th has been a year since I got back from my mission. I can't believe how time flies. Going on my mission was the best choice I've ever made in my life. Although it was rough out in the field, I loved it!  In total I had thirteen companions. I was in four trios and I had five areas.  I entered the MTC on December 27th of 2006 and I entered the field on January 16th of 2007. Aww beautiful New York! My mission covered these major cities or places that you might know Niagara Fall, Rochester, Buffalo, Palmyra (historic sites), Cattaraguas (Indian Reservation) all the way down to the Pennsylvania border.....
This is one of my favorite companions, Sister Sharon Freire. She is actually from Ecuador but she lives in the states. We served together in the Alden Area where we served in a Branch. That area had some city and lots of country. It covered Alden, Lancaster, Elma, some of Cheektowaga, akron and  a  lot of little one street towns.

In the cold winter mornings  we would go to the flea Market in Cheektowaga
and set up a booth to invite people to take the lessons and receive free church videos.
We had success on getting a lot of referrals of people we could go and teach in the areas around us. We also met a lot of other people who were trying to tear us down... But that didn't stop us! 
Here we went to the Lilac festival to go and find people to teach. We thought we would go to where the people were. We also bought ourselves a little snack, kettle corn freshly made! "Delicious, I must say!"
Before the Lilac Festival we went to Janet's baptism. She was an investigator I taught and had a date for baptism but she ended up moving into the Elder's area. I was so proud of her because she had a fear of water and overcame it to get baptized.
This is Sister Amber Call, who was my last companion. She killed me off (in mission terms)! We served in the Webster Area, where all the educated and rich people lived. 
This was my last district.  I still can't believe how time flies... I'm just remembering all the good old times. I will never forget all those great experiences. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to serve.  Here's to being home for a year!


  1. Cheers for your one year mark being off the mission! Cheers! LOL You will always be grateful to have served sis. That is something you will have with you forever! I am so proud of you little sis. :)

  2. Cindy! Time sure does fly by! Oh how I miss being a missionary! I would do it all over again in a second! I enjoyed your pics. I have a question about your favorite companion, Hermana Freire. I taught the most amazing family ever during my mission. The wife's last name is Freire and she and her husband are both from Ecuador! I'm wondering if somehow your companion and the recent convert that I taught are related somehow....we'll have to talk about the details soon because I really want to know!! Anyway, I enjoyed checking out your blog! I miss you a ton!


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